These primates are found on the islands of Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Mindanao, as well as a handful of smaller islands like Dinagat and Basilan.
The majority of Tarsier species are now endangered or threatened, and some are designated critically endangered. Threats include habitat destruction and fragmentation, hunting, agricultural pollutants and human disturbance. Tarsiers are very shy animals that prefer to stay away from human contact. Tarsiers do not live well in captivity – they have specific feeding requirements which are difficult to meet and rarely successfully breed. Wild Tarsiers which are caught and kept in captivity only show around a 50% rate of survival and in many cases they die quickly of overstress by committing “suicide”.
Some conservation efforts are under way for the various species, most notably the Philippine Tarsier. Conservation efforts should focus on their wild populations and habitats.
2. Phillippine Forest Turtle
The Philippines is home to five of seven sea turtle species in the world. All five of these species are threatened and listed as endangered.
The Philippine forest turtle (Heosemys leytensis) is one of the most endangered turtle species in the world. It is classified as critically endangered by the IUCN (IUCN 2003).
The Philippine forest turtle is included in Appendix II of the CITES convention (CITES 2002). According to current data, this taxon faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future due to lack of basic data on this species, habitat alteration, and illegal rampant trade. It is found only in Palawan, a large, pristine, mostly unexplored island, and a hotspot for biodiversity and conservation needs. The Philippine forest turtle was believed to be extinct, however, a few live specimens were observed in Situ in 2001 and 2003 in northern Palawan, Philippines. Very little is known about the Philippine forest turtle’s distribution, habitat type, biology, ecology, or status. Our project is addressing the distribution, status, and conservation of the Philippines forest turtle. If no immediate action is taken, then the Philippine forest turtle could well become extinct in the very near future.
Additonal photos of Tarsier
Additonal photos of Philippine Forest Turtle
For more Information, check this out!
A documentary by GMA Public Affairs in a show Born to be wild. It was premiered on August 1, 2024 and aired on July 28, 2024. This episode talked about the Critically Endangered Species here in the Philippines.
GMA Network Affairs
GMA Network
Elnido Adventure
Born to be Wild
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